Parkstone United Reformed Church

"The people of Parkstone United Reformed Church are here to share God's love for all through welcome, service and care."

Worship Times

· Service Times every Sunday 10.30am

· 1st Sunday - Morning Worship

· 2nd Sunday - Morning Worship with Communion

· 3rd Sunday - Morning Worship

· 4th Sunday - Morning Worship

· 5th Sunday - Morning Worship 

Mid-week Service - Quiet Contemplation Wednesdays at 2.15pm

.  Please contact Mark Phillips for more up to date  information 07980 002676 or email the office  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let us pray.. 

Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray to you for the NHS and all of its staff and volunteers, for those working in Social Care, for the Government, the Emergency services, and those in Key work roles all selflessly supporting the country, and some paying the ultimate sacrifice to get us through this pandemic. We pray that the light of Jesus will shine brightly bringing hope into all of the dark places in this country caused by the Corona Virus.  We pray for peace for those affected in anyway by it.  Amen

Verity & Paul Brayshaw (April 2020)
Parkstone and Poole

Christ of the Emmaus Road. Walk with us in these days. Be our companion and guide, teacher and friend, host and servant. That we may recognise you in the unfamiliar, discover more of you in the all too familiar and be blessed by you in the moment of recognition. With renewed faith, may we share from you the Good News, for the whole world.
 (Luke ch. 24 verses 13 - 33)

James Whately Minister
Parkstone, St Martins West Moors and Verwood United Reformed Churches

This Weeks Highlights

Dear friends,


Please find attached the notice sheet for Sunday 20th  October 2024,  Everyone is welcome to our Communion service at 10.30am led by Mary Chipping.  There will be refreshments served at the end of the service.  



Collect or special prayer


Grant, we beseech you, merciful Lord,

to your faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve you with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever...   Amen



Parkstone United Reformed Church sends you their greetings and good wishes. You are encouraged to use the following words for your personal reflection. It is our hope that they will be a source of encouragement for you.

We never possess our children; but they may possess us.

Andre Pratt and Marjorie Dobson


Should you wish to find out more about the church or access other resources to reflect more deeply on these words, please contact the Church Office by phone (01202 733580) or email ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )


Quiet Contemplation .  The Service of Contemplative Prayer with Rev James has changed its start time to  10.30am.In  the Middle classroom .  Everyone is welcome to join us.


Bible Book club   .  11am-12 noon in Middle classroom, led by Rev James Whately  Studying the Gospel of Mark at the Moment.  The new time is on a trial bases to see if it fits better for people.


Wellbeing Journey   From Wednesday 23rd October from 1.30pm - 2.30pm   lead by Rev James Whately 1.30pm-2.30pm. Please speak to Rev James for more details: 01202 813908


Elders meeting  – 26th  October 10.30am


Activities for Children  - Please let others know


Please contact our children's and families worker Catherine on 07486375104 or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for  further information or to book your space.

Link on the church website


Messy church  on  Monday 28th  October 4-6pm.


Busy Bees’–Toddler group—Thursdays term time from 10-11.30am.

For all pre-schoolers and their adults.  Healthy snack provided, plus tea and coffee for adults.  A variety of activities plus stories and rhymes



is our Sunday children's church aimed at primary school age children. We explore different bible stories and celebrations though craft, song, prayer, reading and activities.

We begin in the church and then move to the cafe space and begin exploring together.  Parents / carers must attend the church service.


Regenerate  is an inter-generational group with a meal and activities such as crafts and board games.  It has started and is on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 4-6pm  for families and older members of our community suggested donations £2 per family


Food donation appeal from the Poole Pantry

Please spread the info among your friends/ contacts and help us if you can.


We are looking for contacts to people with home- grown food (people having allotments, gardens, who would be interested in providing us with some surplus food)


If you know some food suppliers who would be interested in working with us, please let us know.


Thank you to all those who have donated they are very much appreciated we would be grateful for your spare ambient food; stuff we are particularly short of is:

  • UHT milk
  • tinned meat/fish
  • rice pudding/ custard
  • baked beans
  • tinned fruits
  • biscuits
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Cereals
  • Porridge oats


Please feel free to donate in box in foyer of church, which is open Pantry times/when classes on as well as Sunday.


The Living room—(Church Sanctuary)


The Café area is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am-2pm. Hot drinks and cakes (often home-baked) are available at no charge, though donations are welcome. Have a chat, join in with our activities or bring your own.

See separate monthly sheet for activities, crafts and talks.


The Pantry  is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11.45am-1.15pm


Community Fridge       11.45am-1.15pm  (Overflow or short date stock. Free to everyone.


Community Meal        12.15pm- 1.30pm  (a two-course home-cooked community meal available for a suggested donation of £4-£7+, up to 3 children free under 12 years old). Our Chef is away week from 28th Oct-1st Nov so limited meal choices.


Poole Bank satellite location   (“We are now a satellite point for Poole Food Bank. We can issue e-vouchers and we give emergency food parcels. Please contact us if you are struggling. There are criteria for emergency support from the Food Bank, but we can provide emergency food from our own stocks and you may also want to join Poole Pantry.”)

The Citizen Advice Bureau   will usually have their bus outside PURC for people to drop in every Wednesday 1pm-4pm and Friday 10am-4pm.  The advisors will be in their van parked outside the front of the church.



Tuesday recitals  (1.10-1.50pm) in St Aldhelms’s church, Branksome, 15th October from 12.30pm (refreshments available to buy)  Mark can give lifts



Prayers before Pantry time

Just to let you know that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, prior to opening the Pantry to members, there is a chance to meet up for a prayer/ quiet reflection in the church. We gather around 11.40am, please feel free to grab a cup of drink, and join us.


TIA CHI for pantry members

Next one is 25th  October then 8th November  (every two weeks) in the Livingstone Hall ,. 

Robert Joyce our resident Tia chi instructor has started Tia Chi.   It will be every 2 weeks for 1 hour session at 10.45am-11.45am  for pantry members and those struggling financially. 

A suggested donation of £3- £5 or more (Usual Wednesday class is £10)


New Art Group   is on Monday from 10.30am-12 noon in the main church.  All are welcome.  Air dry clay modelling Fridays.  Speak to Karen for more details


Creative writing   Not back yet  (block of 6 sessions per a suggested donation of £4 paid in advance)


Counselling sessions  with Jennie Carlton, has now started from 9th  October 2024 for volunteers.  Please contact  for more information and/or to book


Music Fest”  in the church/ pantry 1.30-3pm on 3 October – All Welcome See poster attached 


Meditation Practice  every second Wednesday starting 9th  October  10-11.30am with Imelda, downstairs in Livingstone hall.   See Notice board in the church for more information: Imelda Herrero  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Tel: 07962 942900


Good Old Days Music event  29th  October 2024 1.30-3pm All welcome in the main church.  Organised by one of our volunteers


Great news , Jennie, PCE volunteer has finished the Bournemouth half marathon in a great style and raised for our charity an incredible total of £876 (£776 on line and £100 by cash). Thank you one more time for your support and contributions.


If you would consider to do a sponsor event and would like to raise money for our charity, please let us know- we will support you as much as we can.


Have a great week.


Verity Brayshaw



Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click for this Sunday's Church Notices sheet 


A short video of the fantastic work happening at my Church, Parkstone URC during the Covid19 Virus.

Reflection: How well do you know yourself and how much do you really know about others, even those who you consider your ‘nearest and dearest’? There is a theme running through all the Bible readings set for this Sunday which is about recognising people, and things, as they really are. This is profoundly challenging, humbling and affirming, because this also implies that others will do the same for me; that I will be dealt with in the same manner. Jesus talked about the seemingly routine nuisance of weeds growing amongst crops, but doesn’t this also relate to the complexity of life and relationships? The Psalmist records the deeply profound understanding that God, our Creator, also knows us ‘weeds – or is it warts – and all’. Taken alongside each other, these point to the deep truth that no matter how we see ourselves, God recognises the beauty of each and invites, or is it challenges us to look for and see that beauty also.

‘Light a candle of hope’

In the new patterns of life around us,
The Lord says 'I am with you'.
In the uncertainties that tomorrow will bring,
The Lord says 'I am with you'.
In the repeating routines of this day,
The Lord says 'I am with you'.
In the maze of ever changing directions,
The Lord says 'I am with you'.

Lord God of all, in this new reality,
breathe your peace into the shadows of our anxiety.
In the clock-stopping moments of wakefulness,
may we take our timing from the heartbeat of your love.
Guide our dreams for a future,
to become your Kingdom living reality for all each day.

Guard us this night, in the power of your peace,
Give us rest, in the depths of your love,
Meet us in the dawning light of your Day.
In the Saviour’s name.
James Whately 24th March 2020

Parkstone URC Our Mission Statement

.Our Mission Statement is..."The people of Parkstone United Reformed Church are here to share God's love for all through welcome, service and care."Our Vision Statement is...Because of this understanding of who we are and what we are here for we welcome many groups and organisations to use these buildings, our home.
•We will serve all within the community by sharing our faith through worship, people, resources, and buildings.•We will welcome and care for all those we meet.
•We will explore what our belief means in our lives today through different styles of worship, as we are led by the Holy Spirit. 
•We will continue our long history of challenging the injustices we see in our society today.
•To grow by working together with our covenanted partners - St Peter's and St Osmund's with Branksea St Mary's as well as other Churches in Poole. We will treasure God's gift of creation, as we experience it.

Church Life

About Parkstone United Reformed Church

Parkstone United Reformed Church is situated in Lower Parkstone along the main (commercial road) leading down to Poole Park, the Civic Center, Town Center and of course the Harbour.
From the outside, although a noticeable building built in the late 1800's. The external view hides its true splendour and the maze of wonderful rooms, halls, gardens and facilities. But of more consequence of course is the beautiful main Church with its wonderful Stained Glass windows facing you; either as a member of the congregation, or reverant service. Not forgetting the classic Organ to the right of the stage.More important is the amazing atmosphere and the relaxed feeling of calm, peace and comfort within the hall and the Church as a whole.Extremely active within the Lower Parkstone and Poole area the Church is well known as a friendly meeting house and support location to many local groups and organisations – both Faith Groups and Community Groups – from the Poole Passion Play, Bournemouth Orchestra’s and Dance Show Rehearsals.. to humble local Art workshops.Our Vision...We at Parkstone United Reformed Church, home of the Parkstone Christian Center have developed a vision and mission statement to express our feelings about why we are here

Ok so What's On...!For Services.. 
times and the latest news

Welcome to Parkstone United Reformed Church

• We will serve all within the community by sharing our faith through worship, people, resources, and buildings.
• We will welcome and care for all those we meet.
• We will explore what our belief means in our lives today through different styles of worship, as we are led by the Holy Spirit.
• We will continue our long history of challenging the injustices we see in our society today. 
• To grow by working together with our covenanted partners - as well as other Churches in Poole.
• We will treasure God's gift of creation, as we experience it.  

Mark Phillips

Centre Manager

Verity Brayshaw


Catherine Phillips

Children's and Family Worker

In our thoughts and Prayers
our online Prayer Hub
Ok so What's On...!
for Services.. times and the latest news click here...
Whats On

Hall & Room Hire

Parkstone URC is fortunate to have many areas available to book for private functions, meeting halls and rooms for individuals and groups
come and meet us..!
for Services.. times ...
Our Worship Services

Hall and Room Hire @ Parkstone United Reformed Church.

The Parkstone Christian Center is fortunate to have many areas available to book for private functions, meeting halls and rooms - within the Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset area. 

Who uses our Rooms - just a few examples:- a while Buckholme Towers School burnt down, the school needed a home while it was rebuilt- Poole Passion Play - Security Training weeks for the Olympics.- Kitchen Cookery Groups and Classes- Art Workshops- Dance and Fitness Groups.- Disability Groups- Poole College

more information

For Enquiries, rates and availability

Extremely flexible in  approach and is well known throughout the area as a venue with a "can do" ethos - for not only Faith and Community groups but Commercial enterprizes too.

Busy Bee's

Every Thursday 10 - 11.30 during term time
Healthy snack provided plus tea and coffee for the adults
Stories, rhymes and variety of activities
sugested donation £1.50
for more information our Children's and Familie Worker Catherine Phillips 07486 375104

more Church Life

Our Services

Our Services More

Messy Church

Once a month we hold our Messy Church at 3.45pm through the use of artwork we encourage children to celebrate something of the Christian Story. The event ends with an act of worship and then a meal.

Latest Info.

Busy Bees

Every Thursday 10 - 11.30 during term time 
Stories, rhymes and variety of activities 
sugested donation £1.50 

Learn More

Parkstone URC Art Group Currently we meet Online every Tuesday 10.30am - 12-30 further details and join _


Worship Times

  • Service Times every Sunday 10.30am
  • 1st Sunday - Morning Worship
  • 2nd Sunday - Morning Worship with Communion
  • 3rd Sunday - Morning Worship
  • 4th Sunday - Morning Worship
  • 5th Sunday - Morning Worship

  • Please Gift Aid your offerings to Church if you are a Tax Payer. It adds about 25% to your gift. See the Gift Aid Secretary (Barbara Carter) if you can help in this way. The flowers in church have been bought using money in our flower fund. If you would like to donate to that fund, or offer flowers to celebrate or remember someone or a memorable event then see Gina Bullock or Mark Phillips, thank you Gina, Mark and Edward’s the florists for decorating our church for us.
Welcome to our Church

Messy Church

4th Wednesday of the month At 3.45pm-6pm

Learn More

for our Thoughts and Prayers
this week...
The collect or special prayer 

Almighty God,whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain,and entered not into glory before he was crucified:mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross,may find it none other than the way of life and peace;through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever.. Amen.

more Church Life

Messy Church

Messy Church

Messy Church is a place where carers, children and young people meet together to learn more about God and enjoy fellowship together in an informal setting. Messy Church meets every fourth wednesday of the month - 3.45 - 6.00pm. All children and young people are welcome with a carer(s) whilst adults are also welcome with their children

Once a month we hold our Messy Church at 3.45pm through the use of artwork we encourage children to celebrate something of the Christian Story. The event ends with an act of worship and then a meal.

lovely Church Life
click to view Notices as a PDF file

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Contact Parkstone United Reformed Church

The Parkstone URC Church Church Office

Phone: 01202 733580
Mark Phillips ~ Centre Manager 07980 002676
Barbara Carter Church Secretary
David Harvey Internet and Art Workshops Phone: 07860109945
Gina Bullock Treasurer
Catherine Phillips Children and Family Worker - Messy church
Phone: 01202 733580

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